Monday, October 15, 2012

It has been awhile since I have been able to update.  After I recovered from running the marathon and raised just over three thousand dollars from friends, family and colleagues, I sent the money to the organizations that are on the front lines in Africa, combatting the poachers on a daily basis. Since then,  I have been getting a steady stream of updates from several places in Africa,  and the numbers are staggering. Since January 2012, two months before I ran the marathon, 430 rhinos have been poached in South Africa alone. It averages out to two every 24 hours on the continent, which surely means they will become extinct in our lifetime if we do not stop this senseless slaughter. If we can set ourselves an attainable  goal of preserving them for at least one generation, perhaps our children can take up the cause when they are old enough. The picture was drawn by my seven year old daughter.

In light of this critical situation, I am hosting a fundraising/awareness raising event in conjunction with Stephen Ham of the African Wildlife Foundation:
  October 23rd, 2012 
 at The Phoenix 
14 South La Cienega Blvd 
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

CLICK HERE for the invitation and please join us for a brief presentation and an opportunity to help stop the eradication of a noble species.

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